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Please look below for answers to common questions about finding rentals and advertising on our site. Should you need further assistance using our site, please contact support

Show All For Renters » Finding a Rental

Finding the right rental is simpler than you would think! Click a question below to display the answer.

Do I have to log in?

No. All searches for properties are available without logging in.

Do I have to pay?

No. It is completely free for renters to search or browse all properties on our site.

Will I be added to any Email Lists?

No. We hate spam and will only contact you if you specifically request it, or opt in to an email notification service.

Why do certain properties have stars?

Those are our featured properties. We give property managers the opportunity to have premier placement for their listings so you can see them right away. Be sure to check them out!

I need X bedrooms and X baths. How do I only look at properties matching that description?

On the top left of the page, the Quick Search feature allows you to select a range of prices, number of beds and baths, and type of property (house, apartment, condo, etc.) that meet your criteria.

I won’t be moving for a few months. How do I find properties that will be available X months down the road?

Beneath the Quick Search drop down menus, click the Advanced Search link, and you’ll be able to add additional features to your search, including availability date and square feet. You’ll also be able to sort listings by price or date added to our site.

I saw a few different properties that interested me. Is there a way I can keep track of just those properties?

To the right of every listing, there is a check box labeled “Add to MyList”. If you select a property you’re interested in, and click the “Add to MyList” button at the bottom of the page, MyList will save that listing for you. Once you’ve made a list of all the properties in which you have interest, you can email the list to yourself as a reminder. Note that your MyList will not stay saved once you leave this website.

How do I contact a property manager to ask additional questions or set up a viewing?

After clicking an individual listing from the home page or search results page (once on the corresponding listing page) click the “Reply to This Ad” button to send the property manager an email through the “Email This Property Manager” form. Be as specific with your questions as you can, including dates and times that you are free to see the property. If a property manager has listed a phone number, it will appear in the Property Manager Contact box to the right of each listing.

How updated are your listings?

We are constantly working to ensure that property managers using our website keep their listing up-to-date, and deactivate them once they have been rented. Sometimes, you might find a listing which has recently been rented, and the property manager has not updated it yet – feel free to remind the property manager that they still have an active listing on our site.

Can I get copies of my lease agreements or other paperwork from you?

No. All of those documents should be kept by the property manager. We do not manage the properties advertised on our site. You’ll need to inquire with your property manager.

Warning! Scam information!

We do our best to prevent fraudulent listings from appearing on our site. However, occasionally, a scam listing may slip through. When a con artist makes contact with you, s/he will attempt to have you send money without showing you a property. 

Scammers often copy ads about real properties, with an actual address, but are almost always operating from overseas or out of town, do not provide a working phone number, and cannot meet you in person to show the property.  They will attempt to maintain email contact, ask you to disclose personal information, and then promise to mail the keys once you have sent a monetary payment to them.

DO NOT SEND ANY MONEY to anyone engaging in these practices, because it is likely a scammer, whether through wire transfer, cashier's check, cash, personal check, or other form.

ALL REQUESTS for DEPOSITS or RENT to be paid by WESTERN UNION or WIRE TRANSFER are Scams! If you feel that someone may be attempting to scam you, cease communication with this person. If you have any information or communication from the scammer, please report it to the internet crime complaint center (

Show All For Property Managers » Managing Your Listings

HOTLANTARENT.COM makes it easy to manage your listings and get the new tenants you need! Click a question below to display its answer.

Setting up your Account

Click the orange "Add my property" button in the top right hand corner of the page.

Select an ad package for the number of properties you manage. If you manage multiple properties, even if only one is available at that time, you can purchase a larger package, because you can advertise your properties months in advance, and there is no monthly fee.

Fill out the Create Account form with your account information and select the contact information you want to display to prospective renters. We require a valid email address so that renters can always contact you via email, but your email address will never be visible in your listing. Similarly, while you may choose to hide your phone number, we require a valid number be entered so that we can screen out scam artists.

Adding your Listings

Add your listing information (address, rent, number of beds/baths, etc.) To preserve the integrity of our database, we do not allow modifications to the address field once the listing is complete, so please double check its accuracy! The display address option allows you to choose whether or not the address you enter is shown to renters on your listing page. Note that if you select no, but have not entered the actual street address, our site will ask you to select a location on a map for that property

Mapping your Property Listing

Our site uses Google Maps to automatically plot the address you provide on a map. You're welcome to make the address less specific if you have security concerns or current tenants that you do not want to bother. However, if Google Maps has trouble locating the address or if you have chosen to provide a less specific location, you will be prompted to manually locate the property on a map. You can use your mouse to select a location on the map for the property, or you can check the box under the map that says, "List property without a location." If you do not choose one of these options, your listing cannot be saved.

Uploading Photos to your Listing

Once you've saved the basic listing information, you'll be taken to the Manage Photos page. At the bottom of the Manage Photo page, you'll see a section labeled "Add Photos"

To find an image to add to your listing, click "Browse" button, and search through photos saved on your computer to find pictures of your properties. Once you have found a picture you wish to use, select that picture and click the upload photo button.

How do I Add or Edit Photos to a Listing I have already created?

To add or edit photos from a listing you have already set up, click the Photo Icon to the right of the appropriate listing on the Manage Listings page, or click on the thumbnail.

How do I Delete, Change the Order, or Add Captions to Photos?

After you have uploaded photos, you can use the tools in the Current Photos section of the Manage Photos page to delete, edit, reorder, and add captions to your photos. To change the order of photos, simply left click on a photo's thumbnail, then drag it to the position you would like it to appear in on your listing. We recommend you add a caption (click Edit Caption) to each image describing the room or feature of the property presented.

How many Photos can I add?

You may have up to 12 property images on each listing. There is no fee for adding photos.

Why should I add Captions to my Photos?

Captions provide you with an opportunity to give descriptions for photos, essentially allowing you to give a tour of a property through your listing. Additionally, attaching text to a picture increases the likelihood that search engines will find your property. You may add a caption describing a photo when the picture is first uploaded, or later from the Manage Photos page.

Viewing and Editing your Listing: the Manage Listings page

To view all your property listings, click Manage Listings under Manager Tools.

The manage listings page displays every listing you've added to our site, and is the starting point for any changes or adjustments you need to make to your listings.

How do I Filter, Search, and Sort my Listings?

At the top of the page, there are several drop-down menus:

  • The Display drop-down menu allows you to show listings based on their availability status: Available, Unavailable, Featured, or Deleted.
  • The Sort By drop down menu allows you to sort that view by availability date, property type, bedrooms, zip code, price, or how recently the listing was edited.
  • The Filter option on the right allows you to enter text to find a specific listing. You can filter by street name, city, headline or ID.

Note that the Manage Listings page displays up to 25 listings at one time. If you manage more than 25 properties, you'll need to click to the next pages at the bottom of the screen.

How do I Delete, Remove, or Deactivate a Listing?

From the manage listings page, you may either click on the gray address bar to quick edit, or click the Edit Listing icon to take you to the full Edit Listing page. From either of those points, use the "Status" drop down and change the status to either "Unavailable" or "Deleted".

If you have found a tenant for your property, but will continue to own and manage it in the future, you'll want to change the status from "Available" to "Unavailable", and the listing will disappear from all searches. If you no longer manage a property, and will have no need to advertise it in the future, then you should select the "Deleted" option. Please note, this listing will still count towards your subscription total - if you need to PERMANENTLY delete a listing, please contact support.

How do I Edit my Listing?

Click the Manage Listings button in the Manager Tools section. From here, you have two options: quick edit or full edit. Quick Edit allows you to make small adjustments without having to leave the manage listings page. To quick edit a listing, click on the address in the gray bar of the listing you would like to edit. The quick edit options expand, and you can edit the rent, headline, availability status, and availability date. To make edits, simply adjust the text or select a new option from the drop down menus.

Additionally, you'll also see a checkbox that says "Feature my Listing." Featuring your listing gets you more views from potential renters thanks to guaranteed front-page placement! Each featured listing costs $45.00 and lasts for 30 days.

If you click the center icon (pencil and notepad) on the gray address bar, you'll access the full Edit Listing screen. From here, you'll be able to adjust the description, rent, amenities, square feet, and status of your listing.

Why can't I change the Address of my Listing?

We do not allow edits on the address field. If have questions regarding this issue, please contact us. If you made an error in entering the address, please request a change using the Contact Us form.

How do I preview a Listing?

To view a finished version of your listing, as it would appear to renters, click the preview icon on the gray address bar. (Left icon, magnifying glass)

How will renters contact me?

Prospective renters can use the "Reply to Ad" form to send you an email about your listing(s). Emails require potential renters to provide some contact information, as well as room to add comments or explanations. Note that if you find any inquiry to be fishy or be a solicitation, you do not need to respond. Please alert us.

Copies of all messages will be forwarded to the email address(es) you have provided on your Profile. You can also review emails in the Messages section of your property manager dashboard. Be sure that messages are not being intercepted by a Spam filter.

Can I feed Listings to you from my website or database?

We accept listing "Feeds" from many syndication companies, including RentMarketer, RentalHomePros, and RentShout. Please contact us to discuss whether your listing/content can be automatically managed.

Why should I feature my listing?

Don't let your listing get lost in the shuffle! Featured listings make your property more visible! Every potential renter that comes to our site will see featured listings on the home page. Furthermore, your property will appear at the top of the list any time it is pulled in a renter's search. Learn more

How do I add a link to my website and/or company logo?

A Branding Subscription enables you to display your own logo and include a clickable link to your website, thus driving traffic back to your own site and raising its Google ranking in the process! An inbound link from our site looks great to search engine spiders, as it is an inbound link from a website with great rankings for the keyword searches you want to show up for. Branding helps generate the best kind of traffic; motivated renters who are actively trying to find a place to live.

Price for one year: $99.00

How do I manage the contact information that shows up on my Listings?

You can change your email, phone number, address, and password from the Your Profile page.

At the bottom of the Your Profile page, your Display Settings allow you to govern what information is and is not visible to potential renters. You can elect to show your first name, last name, company name, and/or phone number. While your email address is never displayed to visitors, prospective renters will always be able to send an email to the address(es) you have in Your Profile via the Reply to Ad form on your available Listings.

How do Subscriptions work?

Subscriptions are annual, and can be upgraded or expanded at any time on our Manage Subscription page. When it's time for you to renew your account with us, you'll see a reminder under Notifications on the Property Manager Dashboard Page.

Will you Automatically renew or re-bill me?

We do not store credit card information, and we will not bill or renew you automatically. Any credit card transactions that take place are user initiated.

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